Dance Discussion — Increasing Productivity

For teachers, the school year trumps the calendar year. So while we're ushering in 2015 with extra enthusiasm (we have a feeling it's going to be a remarkable year), it's not an ideal time to make drastic changes or overhaul how a studio operates. However, it does present a great checkpoint for evaluating how things are going and to do some maintenance.  While you're in the midst of things, you can easily take notes on what you'd like to improve upon for the 2015-2016 school year, and then start taking actions that will help prepare you for them. Like mentioned in this month's Note from Beverly's Desk, what are focused on getting more organized and using our time well in order to be more productive. 

Let's talk about getting things done...

We know that there are endless ways to be more productive, and we'd love to find the right ones that work for us. Our goal is not to work more, but to work smarter. To use the hours in each day in more wisely. To be organized, and in advance, so that we are prepared for whatever life brings. To delegate, to balance, and to keep these good habits. And we'd love to know how you master efficiency throughout your life, or at least to hear your thoughts on the subject.  

Here are some questions to get the conversation started:

  • What comes to mind when you think about productivity? Time management, checking things off a to-do list, or something else entirely?
  • When are you most productive? Does it depend on the time of day, how much sleep you've had, or what you are working on?
  • What helps you get and stay productive? A clean desk, a deadline, etc.?
  • How do you organize...
    • Your day, week, month, or year?
    • Your office, studio, staff, etc.?
  • What is the best tip you've learned for being productive?
  • How do you stick to whatever it is that leads to productive behavior?

We know this has potential to be a really productive conversation (sorry for using that word so much). We look forward to seeing the results of it in action! 

Feel free comment below sharing your own advice or hopes, passing along something you've learned from someone else, or even linking to an article you enjoyed reading that relates to these ideas. And, go...

P.S. If you're looking for something to add to your to-do list and be able to cross off right now (isn't that a good feeling?), how about "Comment on all the LNL dance discussions!" We'd love to see what your thoughts are on all the past discussions too.